Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Welcome to Our Classroom!

Welcome!  This is the beginning of an exciting year together!  I strongly believe in communicating with the parents of my students and invite you to communicate on a regular basis with me.  We will work together as partners this year to make it a productive, memorable year for your child!  Students only get one 6th grade year and I promise to make it the best year I can!

My hope for this blog is to provide a place for you to find out things like:
  •  major assignment due dates
  •  major event dates
  •  what your child is writing about
  •  what we are studying in a given subject
 ..... and have most of your questions answered!  I am always available through email ( and on my school phone (913-856-7682). If you have a question you think others might need clarification on as well, please post your question in a comment on one of the pages and I will respond so all can see.  Also, I strongly encourage you to sign up on the right side of this page to follow our blog.  Just enter your email address and you will receive an email whenever I update any information.  If you are like me, I sometimes forget to check for new information and this will make sure you don't miss anything! 

On this site, you can click on any tab at the top of the page and it will take you to the information for that subject matter.  If you click on the Class Blog tab, it will take you to the link for the students' blog.  Your child will be posting their thoughts, opinions, and imaginative stories on many different subjects throughout the year.  I have found that blogging makes every student more interested in writing which is wonderful!!

When you click on the Math, Story Town, or Social Studies tab, you will find information on what we are learning about at the time along with links to games and resources that correlate with the lessons.  Please take advantage of these!  There are so many fun games and resources that students can use to practice skills they are learning in class or to learn more about that subject.  

Your favorite tab will probably turn out to be the Homework tab.  Major assignments and upcoming tests will be listed on this page.  Each day, I will update homework assignments and their due date by the end of the school day.  My hope is that this will give you a place to refer to when you ask your child about homework and their response is "I don't remember."  :-)